Personal Injury Attorneys Glen Allen VA

No personal injury case is identical, so it is improbable that there will be the same financial payout in each one. Your state statutes, the details of your case, and your involvement in the claim will determine if you will have a successful case.

As an example, Virginia still follows pure contributory negligence law. Contributory negligence jurisdictions don’t permit compensation if a complainant is at all to blame, even if it’s only a small amount. Many other jurisdictions do not have this harsh rule and allow compensation depending on how much the injured party was at fault.

Injury Law Firm in Glen Allen

A settlement agreement is when the plaintiff agrees to drop all claims against the defendant or insurance provider for an agreed-upon sum. You can accept a settlement agreement before filing a lawsuit or during the litigation before a verdict is given. Though there is a chance that you could be awarded more money if you take your claim to trial, there is no certainty of that and you might not see that money for a long time.

Following an injury caused by somebody else, it is normal for an insurance company or defendant to offer a settlement. If you receive a settlement offer that is agreeable to you, you’ll be capable to prevent a costly trial and timely earn compensation. In return, insurance companies and opponents may be able to spend less while eliminating court expenses too. You are not obligated to agree to an offer that you don’t believe is appropriate though.

Glen Allen VA Accident Legal Professionals

You shouldn’t feel obligated to accept an agreement, so you need a lawyer that will go to court for you when you don’t want to accept an unreasonable offer. Instead of insurance companies, lawyers work with you to ensure that your goals are met.

Instead of going to court, you could receive a good settlement offer with the money you need. Litigation can take up a great deal of time and could bring about even more fees than needed. Before agreeing to a settlement agreement, your attorney will be able to compute the expenses and logically advise you if you should accept an offer. Everything depends on if it’s a fair offer, how long you have to wait to receive the money, and if the additional fees could consequently cost you more money instead of accepting the settlement.

Personal Injury Attorney Near Me

When you are personally injured because of another person and want to sue, our experienced attorneys at ReidGoodwin are ready to help you receive compensation. We will reach a reasonable settlement agreement or go to court for you if one cannot be agreed to. Call us today at (804) 415-7800 for a free consultation.