Is There A Deadline To File A Personal Injury Lawsuit In Virginia?

If you sustained an injury through no fault of your own, you may have a valid personal injury case. Whether you were injured due to the negligence of another in a car crash or from a trip, slip, or fall you may be entitled to financial compensation. 

Each state has different time limitations when it comes to pursuing personal injury cases. 

In Virginia, as soon as your accident occurs you typically have 2 years to file a personal injury claim in a civil court before the statute of limitations runs out for that specific incident. After the 2-year mark you lose your right to file a lawsuit, except in extremely rare circumstances.

Within this 2-year filing period, you want to have a firm grasp on the severity of your injuries and how they impact your daily life.  Often it takes time to understand the full impact of an injury. You only get one shot at your financial recovery, so consult a personal injury attorney today who can guide you through this process and assess your unique situation. 

Contact Us

If you or your loved ones have been injured due to the negligence of another, call the personal injury attorneys at ReidGoodwin at (804) 475-7800.

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