Social Media Do’s and Don’ts After an Injury

Injuries can happen to anyone on any given day. Commonly, car accidents, slip and falls, or the negligence of others can cause serious injuries. The shock and emotions you will likely feel following an injury can often have a big impact on your life.

As with any major event in your life, you will quite possibly want to share it with your friends and family. Social media has become a popular venue to share your personal news with the people who follow you. However, when you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident or at the workplace, it is often best to not to post about your accident or injury on social media.

Don’t Post About Your Accident or Injuries on Social Media

We understand many people communicate with friends and family by social media, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snap Chat, etc.  We understand that you may want to share this major traumatic event in your life with those you know and seek support. However, we also know that whenever you post anything, many eyes may be able to see your post either directly or through a “shared” post or “retweet”. It is standard protocol for a negligent party’s insurance company or attorney to scour the internet looking for posts about your injury or accident.  That is why we advise clients not to post anything about their injuries or accident on social media, including pictures.

If you have already posted about your accident or injuries, DO NOT remove or delete the post.  Just leave it there.  Do not “comment” or discuss it anymore and seek the advice of your attorney on how to handle.

When you are injured, it is best to keep to yourself, family and your attorney. You should also ask your close friends and family that have knowledge of the injury or accident to remain silent on their social media accounts.

Don’t Post Photos

While you should take photos of the accident and document everything you can to refresh your memory, none of that should be posted on social media. As with status updates, a photo can be misinterpreted. When you are injured, it’s well-advised to take a break from social media.

Do Review What People Can See About You on Your Social Media Accounts

When is the last time you checked what people can see on your social media accounts or status updates posted years ago? Do you know if your posts are viewable to the public or only to your friends?  We suggest that our clients set all their social media accounts to “private” after an accident or an injury.  That way, they get to choose who can see their posts and pictures and helps keep prying eyes out.

And Always: Contact an Attorney

Whenever you are injured, you should always contact an attorney. Most attorneys offer free initial consultations, so you don’t have anything to lose. An attorney will be able to consult with you, review your social media accounts and give you the best advice on how to move forward.  Rather than posting anything about your accident or injury, contact our skilled attorneys at ReidGoodwin to discuss the help you need. Call us today: (804) 415-7800.

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