Virginia Students Aim to Eliminate Unsafe Driving

Safe teen driving is a serious concern for parents and teachers at this time of year.

State Police Teams Up With Students for Safe Driving Program

The Virginia State Police have teamed up with middle and high school students across the Commonwealth in a new public safety campaign. Arrive Alive is a program started by Unite to encourage safe driving practices; their programs rage from elementary to high school level students.

The Arrive Alive campaign will begin March 20 and extend through May 5. It is sponsored by the state police and Youth of Virginia Speak Out about Traffic Safety. The students will create resources like posters and pledge banners to promote safe driving among teens. The program comes to local schools just in time for prom and graduation season. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety , during this time of year we see some of the highest teenage traffic accidents and fatalities of the entire year.

Here at ReidGoodwin we encourage parents and students to get involved with organizations such as Arrive Alive and EndDD to spread awareness and stay safe behind the wheel.

If you ever find yourself or a family member injured by an intoxicated or distracted driver, please contact one of our experienced attorneys to assist you.