What You Need To Know About Light-Duty Work

An injury may have you out of work for quite a while. Once you begin to recover your doctor may allow you to return doing light-duty work. The purpose of light duty work is to get you back to gainful employment while also helping relieve your employer’s burden of paying workers compensation benefits in the future. It also serves to get you back into the working world while minimizing the risk of re-injury. 

Your employer could possibly have light-duty work for you, however if not you may be required to apply for jobs with other employers that would fit your restrictions. According to the Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission, looking for employment in the field you are familiar with and comfortable in is a reasonable place to start. 

If you were injured on the job, you generally have no obligation to work with a rehabilitation counselor, until your doctor has stated that you can be released to light-duty work. If this is the case typically the worker cannot refuse to meet with the rehabilitation/vocational counselor because  it could be seen as refusal to cooperate which could result in the termination of your benefits.

If you decide to pursue light-duty work and the pay is less than you were making before your injury, you could be entitled to reimbursement for a portion of the difference from your employer. Keep in mind the main purpose of light-duty is so that you can eventually return to the wage you were making prior to your injury.  

At ReidGoodwin, we understand the complexities of workers’ compensation claims and navigating the Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission. If you have endured a work-related injury call our attorneys today for a free no obligation consultation at (804) 415-7800.

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