How Pedestrians Can Be Involved In A Car Accident

Car accidents typically occur between two or more vehicles, but on occasion, innocent bystanders can be injured or killed as well. As a pedestrian, you should expect to be safe while you are lawfully on the sidewalk and following the rules. However, there is still a chance of being involved in a car accident.

Not Paying Attention

Possibly the biggest cause of pedestrian injuries in car accidents are distractions. Drivers can be distracted by texting, making phone calls, or any other reason for them not looking directly at the road. Furthermore, distractions can occur naturally, such as the sun setting or rising, which can block a driver’s view and make them unable to see ahead. As easily as it is to not see a vehicle in front of them and rear-end it, drivers can also overlook pedestrians walking on the sidewalk.

As a pedestrian, you should recognize that not every driver is going to be as prudent as they should be. To avoid being involved in a car accident, you should always be cautious as well. While walking, keep an eye out for cars, avoid looking down at your phone, and be cautious of distracted drivers around you.

Crosswalks & Signs

Crosswalks and signs on the roadways are there for legitimate reasons. They need to be respected to avoid accidents. Drivers should read and check for signs such as when:

  • Pedestrians have the right of way
  • They are in a school zone and need to slow down
  • It’s a residential area with children playing
  • There will be several pedestrians crossing

In return, pedestrians must use crosswalk lights and only walk forward when the signs allow it. Jay-walking can be tempting when there are seemingly no cars around, but it is never worth the risk because unsuspecting drivers can come out of nowhere. While you will likely feel safe on the sidewalk or crosswalk with the right of way, you should bear in mind that not all drivers will abide by the rules.

Pedestrians Exercising

There are many people that enjoy exercising outside on the road and sidewalk. Drivers should be cautious of people working out, because not everyone always uses their best judgments- especially while listening to music.  It is easy to zone out and forget about your surroundings. Drivers should always give pedestrians plenty of space, especially when they are planning on passing around them.

Whether you’re a jogger or a bicyclist on the sidewalk or road, you should also pay attention to drivers nearby. Music makes it difficult to hear cars coming up behind you and you can easily lose touch of what’s going on around you. Always try to stay on the sidewalks as often as you can and always double-check for vehicles before crossing a road.

Contact Us

If you or someone you love was a pedestrian that was injured in a car accident, please contact us to see how we can help you. Our team of attorneys at ReidGoodwin will be there for you every step of the way. Contact us as soon as possible at (804) 415-7800.


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