RG Gives Back: RG Joins The Giving Heart in Delivering Secret Valentines to Seniors

Valentine’s Day is about spreading love and this year, ReidGoodwin team members spread love by pairing up with Giving Heart of Richmond for their Secret Senior Valentine Bags project! For the past ten years, The Giving Heart of Richmond has collected and donated various loving and thoughtful gifts to independent living seniors throughout the Greater Richmond Metro Area.

Each year The Giving Heart works with local law enforcement and senior communities to identify seniors in need. The program provides the option of creating generic or personalized bags, both of which include a list of recommended items to include toiletries, warm weather items, and personal requests, such as stationary and snacks.

This year, ReidGoodwin team members had the pleasure of choosing and creating secret senior bags for six local senior ladies. ReidGoodwin thoroughly enjoys being a part of a community that is dedicated to giving back and coming together. If you or anyone you may know would like more information about The Giving Heart and their projects, you may do so by clicking here, or by contacting Viki Neilson at vneilson@thegivingheart.or or by calling 804-749-4726


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