Virginia Personal Injury Laws On Dog Bites

If you were injured due to a dog bite, you may have a valid personal injury claim. Every state is different when it comes to laws regarding dog bites, however,Virginia is follows the “one bite rule.”

Whether or not an owner is liable for the actions of his dog will largely depend on the animal’s prior history or if there was a reason to believe the dog was dangerous or aggressive. A dog must meet the definition of a “dangerous dog” before an owner can be liable. To be considered a “dangerous dog” the animal must meet certain criteria of prior dangerous actions, hence the term “one bite rule.” Therefore, if an owner had no prior knowledge that their animal had a history of dangerous behavior, the owner may not be liable for the dog’s actions.

There are general exceptions to the rule, such as whether or not the dog owner violated an animal control ordinance. There are potentially many other exceptions given the complex nature of such cases. Virginia’s contributory negligence law, for example, deems individual may be unable to recover for their injuries if it is proved that that person was at fault for the dog’s attack.

Again, the nature of these cases is complex so you should consult with a personal injury attorney if you have been victim to an animal attack. Call the experienced attorneys at ReidGoodwin today for a free, no obligation consultation.

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