What To Do Directly After A Motorcycle Accident

Motorcycle accidents are often different than typical motor vehicle accidents. They result in many serious injuries and fatalities each year. If you are involved in a motorcycle accident remember these tips while your adrenaline is on high.

Try to get off the road if you were not able to do so during your accident, you want to get out of harm’s way.

Do not remove your helmet or gear- this could result in damage to your neck and spine. Wait for the paramedics to give you the okay.

Call 911— as with any accident you want to call emergency services.

Seek medical help. It is a good rule of thumb to seek medical attention after any accident, however especially with a motorcycle crash. They tend to be more severe because there is more potential for internal bleeding and organ damage from blunt force and an unprotected midsection.

If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, call the experienced personal injury attorneys at ReidGoodwin today for a free, no obligation consultation at 804-415-7800.

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