Winter Weather Is on Its Way! Safe Driving Tips from ReidGoodwin

The weatherman is calling for the possibility of winter weather this weekend. While some of us are excited about the potential for snow, it can create dangerous road conditions. Here at ReidGoodwin, we want you to enjoy the winter season; however, we also want you and your family members to be safe- especially out on the road.  Here are some friendly reminders on how to stay safe:

  • Be proactive. Listen to local and state officials and follow their advice.  Stay up to date with weather and road reports. If they advise staying off the roads, then stay off the roads. If they call for a snowball fight, then a snowball fight it shall be.
  • Make sure your car is ready for winter weather.  Check your brakes and tires. It’s good to have a full tank of gas and a full tank of de-icing window washing fluid.  Nothing is worse than running out of washing fluid and being behind a sand/salt truck on the highway.
  • “Be prepared!”  Keep an emergency supply kit in your car.  Good things to have on hand are ice/snow scraper, jumper cables, kitty litter/sand, phone charger, bottled water, snacks/granola bars, blanket and anything else that might be of use just in case you get stuck or stranded on the side of the road.  If you do become stranded, don’t leave your vehicle as it can act as a shelter from the weather and flying sand/salt from those VDOT trucks.
  •  If you do have to venture out while it’s snowing, drive slowly. Don’t rush. Take your time accelerating, turning, and slowing down.  Try to keep a good distance between you and the vehicle ahead of you, so you
    have plenty of room to maneuver as necessary…and give yourself plenty of time to get to your destination, people will understand if you are fashionably late.We here at ReidGoodwin want you and your family to enjoy this winter season.  Now that you have some tips on how to be better prepared for wintery weather conditions and keep you and your family safe, we say – “Let It Snow”!

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